Kol Phool Pokori ( Fried Banana Flower) - Aasami Dish

Kol Phool Pokori ( Fried Banana Flower)

   As we everyone knows  Banana is very healthy and important food source. There are many yummy recipes regarding banana and its parts. In Northeastern India, people use it from root to leaf. Sometimes it uses as a medicinal purpose too.

   Banana flower or Koldil found almost all part of the world, The small flowers can be found on the inside part which would turn into the banana, It is starchy and bitter in taste. It is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. It is included in the diet as the vegetable. The banana flowers possess the Vitamin  E, fiber, and potassium which are the sources of the healthy nutrient. It can cure the wound as well and it can reduce any kind of pains.

1. Take some baby banana flowers (can be found inside the part of the whole Banana flower) 
2. 2 cup Rice flour
3. 1 tsp. turmeric
4. 1 tsp. Ajwain 
5. 2 cups mustard oil
6. salt
7. Pins of baking soda
8. Green coriander for garnishing


1. In a bowl add baby banana flowers, Rice flour, turmeric, Ajwain, baking soda, salt, and mix it thoroughly with water by hand.
2. Heat the pan, add  2 cup mustard oil
3.On enough heat, drop a small portion of dough after flattening a bit. keep stirring and fry on low heat.
4. Drain the pakoras on a paper towel to remove extra oil. 
5. Garnish with green coriander

