Appam and Vegetable Stew

Appam and Vegetable Stew 

          Popular throughout Kerala, Vegetable Stew and Appam is a favourite combination especially for breakfasts. Made with lots of vegetables, the stew is healthy and nutritious and goes perfectly with soft Appams. Luckily for us, 

         Do try out this recipe, let us know how it turns out and do share this blog with your loved ones. Also, do let us know if there are any recipes you would like to share.

Hero ingredients you definitely need to try out this recipe: 
For Appams: Rice, Grated Coconut
For Vegetable Stew: Coconut milk, pepper and other spices and a whole lot of vegetables

Raw rice - 2 cups
Cooked rice - ½ cup
Grated coconut - ½ cup
Instant yeast - ½ tsp
Sugar - 2 tsp
Salt - 1 tsp

1. Soak the raw rice for 5-6 hours. Wash thoroughly and grind alongwith the cooked rice, grated coconut and yeast into a free flowing consistency. 
2. Add sugar, mix well and keep the batter aside to ferment for 8 hours or overnight (preferable). 
3. Once the batter has fermented well, add in the salt and keep it aside for half an hour for the batter to start frothing. 
4. Heat a tawa or appam pan, take one ladle of batter, pour it into the hot pan and swirl it. You can see the lace being formed because of the well fermented batter. 
5. Close the pan and cook the appam for 5 minutes or until the middle portion is cooked.

  • Potatoes (cubed) - 3
  • Carrot (cubed) - 1
  • Peas - ¼ cup
  • Onion (sliced) - 1
  • Green chilly (slit) - 1
  • Ginger (chopped and crushed) - 1 inch
  • Whole pepper (crushed) - 1 tsp
  • Cloves - 3
  • Cinnamon - 1 inch
  • Coconut (grated) - 1 ½ cup
  • Curry leaves - 1 sprig
  • Oil - 2 tsp
  • Salt - As per taste

1. Put the vegetables along with ginger, pepper, cloves and cinnamon in a pressure cooker, pour in 1 cup of water and cook for 15 minutes or 4 whistles. 
2. For extracting the coconut milk, transfer the grated coconut to a mixer jar, pour in ½ cup water and grind it. 
3. Sieve the coconut paste and extract the first coconut milk which will be thick. 
4. Pour ½ cup more water and grind the coconut paste further, sieve the paste and extract the second coconut milk. 
5. Once the cooker releases its steam, open the lid and pour the second milk to the cooked vegetable mix, cook it till it thickens a bit. 
6. When the mix is thickened pour the first coconut milk extract and off the stove.
7. Pour in the oil and garnish with curry leaves.

